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Tesseract AI Token: Powering the Decentralized AI Ecosystem


Tesseract AI Token ($TSAI) is the native cryptocurrency of the Tesseract AI ecosystem, designed to facilitate transactions and incentivize participation in our decentralized AI services. With a total supply of 1,000,000,000 tokens, $TSAI serves as a utility token that grants holders access to benefits and rewards within the TesseractAi network.

Token Specifications

  • Symbol: $TSAI
  • Toal Supply: 1,000,000,000
  • Network: Ethereum
  • LP: Uniswap V2

Tax Structure

A 5% tax is applied to all buy and sell transactions of $TSAI to support development and growth or the TesseractAI ecosystem. The tax is allocated as follows:

  • 2% for development and maintenance: These funds support ongoing development, upgrades, and maintenance of TesseractAI's infrastructure and services.

  • 3% for marketing: This portion of the tax funds marketing initiatives, partnerships, and community engagement efforts to increase adoption of TesseractAI's services.

Holder Benefits

Holding $TSAI offers following benefits and rewards:

  1. Service Fee Payback: Holders who possess 1M or more $TSAI tokens receive a 20% payback on fees incurred when using TesseractAI's services. This incentivizes active participation and usage of our services.

  2. Revenue Sharing: Holders who possess 1M or more $TSAI tokens will receive a share of the revenue generated by TesseractAI's VPS and GPU and AI services. Each week, 15% of the revenue will be distributed proportionally among eligible token holders, providing a passive income stream and aligning interests of our community with the success of TesseractAI.

By holding $TSAI, users gain access to TesseractAI's services and benefit from growth and success of the TesseractAI ecosystem. The token serves as a means of value exchange, governance, and rewards within our decentralized network.


TesseractAI Token ($TSAI) is a key component of our mission to provide accessible and decentralized server and AI services. By holding $TSAI, users can actively participate in the TesseractAI ecosystem, enjoy benefits, and share in the success of our project.