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TesseractAI Development Roadmap

Phase 1: Foundation and VPS Services (Q3 2024 - Q4 2024)

  • Assemble a highly skilled core development team
  • Develop initial version of TesseractAI services, focusing on infrastructure setup and basic functionality
  • Finalize TeseractAI website
  • Launch VPS services, leveraging virtualized CPU resources
  • Coninuously improve and optimze VPS services based on user feedback

Phase 2: Tesseract AI Prototype Product and GPU Services (Q4 2024 - Q1 2025)

  • Open AI development prototype products and provide services through Telegram bot
  • Implement basic AI functions into existing services
  • Introduce dedicated GPU services for high-performance computing
  • Intergrate GPU services with existing VPS infrastructure
  • Explore potential AI applications for GPU services

Phase 3: User Dashboard and Advanced AI (Q1 2025 - )

  • Deploy advanced AI tools, including LLMs, Vision AI, and Generative Models
  • Integrate advanced AI capabilities into VPS and GPU services
  • Develop and launch a user-friendly dashboard for easy management of TesseractAI VPS and GPU services
  • Explore cross-chain interoperability to expand TesseractAI's capabilities
  • Introduce a developer portal and comprehensive API documentation
  • Launch a decentralized marketplace for AI models, datasets, and services
  • Implement advanced monitoring and analytics tools for optimization