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Welcome to TesseractAI


Welcome to TesseractAI, poised to revolutionize decentralized computing and AI services. At TesseractAI, we are dedicated to harnessing power of blockchain technology to deliver innovative and flexible virtual private server (VPS) solutions along with AI services. Our mission is built on two main pillars: decentralized server management and AI-powered service provision.

Tesseract Physical Server

Our first directive focuses on Tesseract Physical Server, a decentralized server framework that facilitates robust VPS services. Utilizing virtualized computing resources, including CPU, GPU, memory, storage, and network interfaces, we offer scalable and secure computing solutions suitable for a variety of applications. These resources are particularly optimized for high-demand tasks such as cryptocurrency mining and running complex AI models.

Moreover, our infrastructure supports an expansive range of GPU servers, catering to intensive computational needs and empowering users to deploy and manage AI models efficiently. This integration of advanced hardware within a decentralized framework ensures not only superior performance but also enhances privacy and control for users across the globe.

AI-Powered Services

Our second focus extends to utilization of our powerful GPU infrastructure to develop and implement cutting-edge AI models. Our forthcoming offerings include a range of AI capabilities, such as LLMs (Large Language Models) which excel in understanding and generating human language, Vision AI for extracting information from images, and Generative Models that are capable of learning from data to create new, innovative outputs.

At TesseractAI, we are dedicated to pushing boundaries of what decentralized technology can achieve in real-world applications. Our dual approach not only provides robust computing infrastructure but also pioneers integration of AI services on blockchain, setting a new standard for innovation and accessibility in digital age.